汉译 纷纷凋零的树叶飘上香阶,寒夜一片静寂,只听见风吹落叶细碎的声息。高楼空寂,卷起珠帘,观看夜色,天色清明,银河斜垂到地。年年今夜,月色都如白绸一般皓洁,人却常常远隔千里。我如何能用沉醉来忘却,酒到不了已断的愁肠,先就变成泪水。深夜里残灯忽明忽暗,斜靠枕头,我尝尽孤眠的滋味。你看这离愁别怨,不是来在眉间,便是潜入心底,我简直无法将它回避。【附:因为词中一些生僻之字,注音后会方便阅读。“真珠帘卷玉楼空,”一句中玉楼空,并非人去楼空,人在,只是在室外,故楼空并不恰当,会觉得楼上无人。空,理解为空寂更加恰当。高楼之上,主人公形单影只,只有明月相伴,简直就似李白的“对影成三人”,怎不空寂呢,怎能理解为人去楼空呢?】
英译 FAN Zhongyan – Lyrics to the Imperial Drive Melody
Fallen leaves desultorily drift over pot plants lined stairs,The night is still, bar a few murmurings of insects.I roll up the beaded screens to admire the azure dome,Clear is the sky, the Milky Way casts its shine towards the ground like drapes.Every year this time, the moon beams smoothly like silk,Yet thousands of miles away is the object of my affections.
Already rent is my heart, I cannot be more intoxicated,Before I could further drink up, I ve already more tears shed.Lying askew is a pillow by the gleam of a dimming lamp,How familiar I am with what it s like to in loneliness sleep and dwell.So often reminded of this I am, it weighs on my mind and brows,Yet there is nothing I can do to it fend.
注释 ①香砌:洒满落花的台阶。②寒声:飘落的树叶在秋风中发出的声音。③碎:细碎,微弱,时断时续。④真珠帘:即珠帘。⑤练:白色的丝织品。⑥明灭:灯光摇曳,忽明忽暗。⑦敧:(qī)倾斜、歪。⑧谙尽:尝尽。谙an1声(安)熟悉。【谙习:熟悉,有经验。】